Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 7: HIV 2

I.              Control
a.    Need
                                              i.     Pandemic in >15 years
                                            ii.     25-30 years reduced lifespan in Africa
                                          iii.     95+ infections in developing world
                                           iv.     Most productive age group most affected
                                             v.     U.S. growing mostly in African American women
b.    Why it continues:
                                              i.     Poverty
                                            ii.     Limited access to healthcare
                                          iii.     Lack of diagnostics
                                           iv.     STDS
                                             v.     Endemic diseases
                                           vi.     Norms
                                         vii.     High risk behaviors
c.    Predictions vs. Reality
                                              i.     Not matching up
                                            ii.     Worse than expected
d.    Strategies
                                              i.     ABC Model
                                            ii.     Prevention
1.    Barrier
                                          iii.     Treatment
                                           iv.     PEPFAR
1.    Goals
a.    Prevent 7 million infections
b.    ARV to 2 million
c.    Care for 10 million
2.    Funding
a.    39 Billion HIV
b.    4 Billion TB
c.    5 Billion malaria
3.    Wording allows conscience clause and sex worker clause
a.    Both neglect most at risk populations
                                             v.     Challenges
1.    Vertical Transmission
a.    In utero
b.    Labor
c.    Breast milk
d.    Guidelines
                                                                                                    i.     Breastfeeding still recommended
                                                                                                  ii.     Preventative therapy techniques not feasible
                                                                                                iii.     In developed countries, more possible
                                           vi.     HIV TB
1.    TB = leading cause of death
2.    1/3 HIV deaths
3.    14 million co infected
4.    Promotes TB disease
5.    Increased transmission to others
                                         vii.     Gender
1.    Many married with one partner
2.    Africa and the Carribean = highest prevalence
3.    Societal/cultural imbalance
4.    Immature reproductive tracts
5.    Menstruation
6.    Small tears in tissue

Week 6: HIV

I.              Origin
a.    Zoonotic
                                              i.     HIV-1
1.    Worldwide, highly virulent
                                            ii.     HIV-2
1.    West Africa, slower, less virulent
b.    Virus Type
                                              i.     Lentivirus
1.    Lenti=slow
                                            ii.     Retrovirus
1.    RNA-DNA
2.    Transcriptase
c.    1981
                                              i.     Discovered in US
                                            ii.     Kaposi’s Sarcoma
d.    1983
                                              i.     Discovery of HIV
                                            ii.     Credited to Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo
II.            Transmission
a.    Possibilities
                                              i.     Sexual contact
                                            ii.     Blood on blood
                                          iii.     Tissue transplant
                                           iv.     IV sharing
                                             v.     Trans placental
                                           vi.     Accidental healthcare infection
b.    Infection aided by STDs
c.    CD4 T lymphocytes
III.         Structure and Replication
a.    GP 120 Attachment and entry
b.    P24 core antigen
IV.         Natural History
a.    Antigen presenting dendritic cells bind the virus
b.    Stages
                                              i.     Acute infection (flu like or mono symptoms)
                                            ii.     Strong cell mediated and humoral immune defense
                                          iii.     Clinical latency
                                           iv.     Loss of CD 4+ T4 cells
                                             v.     Other cell type migration
c.    High initial viral load phase=often missed
d.    AIDS
                                              i.     Profound immunosuppression
                                            ii.     High viral loads, low CD4 counts <200
                                          iii.     Presence of opportunistic infection
                                           iv.     Positive HIV test
                                             v.     Paradox: High viral load leads to low CD4, but spread by CD4
V.           Lab Testing
a.    First test= high sensitivity, many false positives
b.    Second test= High Specificity
c.    Rapid tests = important for walk in clinics
d.    Testing is done in newborn clinics